Distance from Mile 0: 453.6km
Distance from Buckinghorse River: 176.4km
Last fuel stop: 176.4km
Next Fuel stop: 188.5km
Next cell phone service: 81km (Steamboat Summit rest stop, BC)
Ft. Nelson Weather info
Ft. Nelson is another one of the Oil and Gas towns along this stretch of the Alaska Highway and it has all of the necessities… grocery stores and dining, lodging, fuel, mechanic… and the last Tim Horton’s till ya get to Whitehorse!
Fuel stops from this point on become a bit more sparse, so be sure to have a bit extra with you. From this point you will want to pay attention to the next fuel and last fuel that is listed below the distance from Mile 0 at the top of each page. Cellular service (cell phone) also gets very sparse from this point and because of this, I have added cell distance too. In fact… there are 4 places I know of at this time between here and Whitehorse… Steamboat Summit, Watson Lake, Teslin, and Whitehorse for a distance of 951Km (590.9Mi).
Links for Ft. Nelson are still being added
Other Info