Distance from Mile 0 to Toad River: 642km
Distance from last major city/town: Ft. St. John, BC 569km
Distance to next major city/town: Whitehorse, Yukon 762km
Last Fuel stop: Ft. Nelson, BC 188km
Next fuel stop: Liard River, BC 117km
Last cell phone service: Stemboat Summit rest stop, BC 107km
Next cell phone service: Watson Lake, Yukon 325km
Weather info for Toad River
Toad river has a lodge with fuel, dining, souvenirs, mechanical, and camping. Good spot to fuel up both you and the bike, and stretch the legs.
The next part of the trip has some of the best riding along this whole trip for the bends and scenery till just past Muncho Lake. Most of this stretch is still in the form of the original Alaska Highway and is a delight with all the bends. Also gives a chance to appreciate how the original highway was constructed… very windy and very little shoulder. Many places for falling rock and rock can be on the highway in this stretch.