Distance from Mile 0: 1323km
Distance from last major city/town: Ft. St. John, BC 1250km
Distance to next major city/town: Whitehorse, Yukon 81.6km
Last fuel stop: Johnson’s Crossing 46km
Next Fuel stop: Macrae, Yukon 46km
Last cell phone service: Teslin, Yukon 96.1km
Next cell phone service: There is service through to Whitehorse.
Johnson’s Crossing is the start of the edge of Whitehorse. The official city line is 61.8Km yet, but there are several subdivisions between. Jake’s corner has automated 24 hour fuel.
Between here and the next page you will get mostly scenery as the road runs along a good portion of Marsh Lake. There is a rest stop at the big blue bridge (ok… big by our standards) at about 50.5km from Jakes Corner. Then just before the Carcross Cutoff, there is a great place to stop for camping and dining and that is Wolf’s Den where the owner is a fellow motorcyclist… 60.2km from here. Their burgers are named after motorcycles!