Distance from Mile 0: 1849km
Distance from last major city/town: Haines Junction, Yukon 291Km
Distance to next major city/town: Tok, Alaska 176km
Last fuel stop: Burwash Landing, Yukon 170km
Next Fuel stop: Tok, Alaska 176km
Last cell phone service: Burwash Landing, Yukon 170km
Next cell phone service: Tok, Alaska 176km
Distance from Al-Can border: 41.9km
As far as stops go along this trip so far, Beaver Creek is one that is a bit bigger, but in recent years not as active. Haines Junction is still larger than Beaver Creek. Beaver is also the last stop in Yukon and the border with Alaska is 41.9Km. Be sure to have your passport ready when leaving Beaver Creek and going to the border.
Buckshot Betty’s has decent food and cabins… fuel, lodging, and restaurant is available at Ida’s Motel and Café.