Distance from Mile 0: 1679km
Distance from last major city/town: Haines Junction, Yukon 106km
Distance to next major city/town: Tok, Alaska 346km
Last fuel stop: Destruction Bay, Yukon 16.6km
Next Fuel stop: Beaver Creek, Yukon 170km
Last cell phone service: Destruction Bay, Yukon 16.6km
Next cell phone service: Beaver Creek, Yukon 170km
Weather info for Burwash Landing
ROAD WARNING: from here to Beaver Creek is actually studied for the frost heaves. Yes… frost heaves in the road. These are not small. They are known for causing much destruction to vehicles, RV’s, trailers… if you are not careful you can easily disconnect your tires from the road surface. This is known as “catching air” or “going airborne” and usually re-establishing contact with the road surface can provide some entertainment as the road is usually not level. This 170k may be the longest on the entire trip.